Sunday, November 20, 2011

Module 10

In this module I was introduced to Wikis and Nings... The wiki seems very similar to a Google Doc, and I love the whole idea of being able to work collaboratively without the bother of emailing back and forth. Students (particularly older students) could be working together on a project in the comfort of theor own home- in real time! As I have mentioned earlier, I am currently teaching Kindy, but I would love the opportunity to use Wikis with older students.

This year I worked with the Public Speaking team- a great use for a Wiki would have been for the students to write their speech using a wiki, and I could have read it and made any suggestions in my own time.

Nings provide professional online communities for teachers...this can be a place to share information, ideas and advice. Online forums can be created in order for many teachers to come together to discuss various topics. What a great way for teachers from different schools to work togethr and share their knowledge!

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