Sunday, November 20, 2011

Module 6

Although I had heard of Flickr before, I didn't really know much about it. To be honest, I thought it was like PhotoBucket...or even like storing pictures on Facebook.

I love the way you can group photos together on Flickr...I also like how you can tag your photos. Flickr is user friendly, and I was able to get in by using my Google account, which makes it all very easy to use.

I did not wish to put personal photos up, and I wanted to avoid copyright issues, so I uploaded the sample pics that were already installed on my computer.

Flickr can be used in the classroom to store photos taken by the children (Eg: Photo of the Day), excursion photos, concert photos- you name it. It is very important to ensure that the photos are not viewable by the general public, so ensure the security settings are set appropriately.

I will certainly be using my newly set up Flickr account- in fact I will set up a personal one as well as a school account. Flickr really is a great way to share images with the people you choose.

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