Sunday, November 20, 2011

Module 9

Ahhh, social networking...I have to admit that I am a bit of a Facebook addict. Recently, this is how a conversation went between myself and my son's friend.

Me: Hey Brendan. It's been ages. I see from Facebook that you have a new dog
Brendan: Hi Kerrie, yeah, his name is...
Me: Link! He's really cute, I saw the pictures on Facebook.
Brendan: I am going to...
Me: Japan in December! Yeah, I read it on Facebook! That will be so exciting. I would love to go to Japan!

I am almost ashamed to relate the rest of the conversation. Suffice to say I knew all Brendan's news from Facebook...and he knew mine too. This leads me to wonder if Social Networking is as good an idea as it seems.

I do not Twitter- I find Email, Facebook and life in general is enough information for me- however, after seeing that my professional peers have Twitter, I may get it to keep in the loop and learn of new developments.

Linkedin looks like a good concept for professional networking. I am not sure that I would use it, but I know that it has it's purpose and there would be many professional people who would like to see how certain people are connected.

Scootle lets students to view and use content online. A collaborative workspace can be created by adding digital resources to the workspace and set tasks for the class. Scootle is a good example of social networking site within an educational setting. In this way a teacher can facilitate online learning communities.

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