Saturday, November 19, 2011

Module 2

I have just completed the 2nd module in the Web 2.0 course. As I said the last time I completed the 2nd module, I am not sure exactly what information I should put in this blog. I will start with some of my reflections on looking at the links provided...

The 21st century learner need to be engaged with a range of resources- with technology being extremely important because these children have been born into an age where technology is a part of our every day lives. Most children have daily access to computers, iPads, is imperative that, as educators, we understand the best ways to intergrate these products into our everyday teaching,

Having taught Kindergarten for the past two years, I have seen first hand how much knowledge these little ones come to school with regarding ICT- the students in my class were more adept at using iPads than I was! Fortunately that has now changed and we are learning from each other.

Having access to the range of tools offered in Web 2.0 will be a huge asset to me as a teacher, and to the young learners in my class.

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