Sunday, November 20, 2011

Module 5

While completing Module 5, I focussed on learning to use Glogster. This is a wonderul resource for making posters online and bringing them to life with video and audio.

I made a simple Glogster- not artistic in the slightest as I just wanted to learn how to put up the images, audio and video. It's not hard to use, and you are only limited by your imagination. I saved my mindmap from and posted it to my Glogster, and added some video from TeachersTube and a sound file from my computer. I also put up a few images from my computer! This took me around 5 minutes, so it it really fast and easy to do.

My kindies could work with their buddies to make posters to present to their peers...I would have loved to have knowledge of this earlier, because I could have used it during our 'Living Things' unit when my students made life cycle posters. I could have had a group working on a Glogster along with our Teacher's Aide...or all of the children could have worked on a Glogster with their buddy. This technology opens up a whole new world of collating information and presenting it- absolutely amazing!

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