Saturday, November 19, 2011

Module 3

I am very excited to report that I can now create a Google doc, presentation and a form! I just created a form with multiple choice questions for our Staff Christmas Party! The possibilities with Google Docs is endless.

I would definitely use this in the classroom- homework tasks could be done online, comprehension activities, writing, Maths I said before- endless.

Presently I have Kindergarten, so I would have to put a lot of thought into how this could be utilised, but off the top of my head, children could keep an online journal of what has been learnt, they could put their spelling words into sentences and answer simple mental problems.

I love the idea of children being able to work collaboratively on documents, however, I feel this is more suited to primary and high school students.

As a teacher, I am sure we could use Google Docs to create programs, units of work and even work together to update policies etc.

At the risk of seeming a little too keen, I will be actively searching for opportunities to appropriately incorporate Google Docs into my teaching. I have jumped on board a little late for this teaching year, but next year is filled with possibilities!

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